Hypnobirthing course – Session #2

My inspiration this week:

“When you change the way you view birth, the way you birth will change.” ~ Marie F. Mongan

Last weekend’s class left a significant imprint in my mind and heart. Being the last to arrive, we went there without any expectations. WH began by telling us that there was a first-time mother in labour and she might have to answer her phone every now and then. Minutes after she said that, her phone rang. Her face lit up and exclaimed, “Baby is here!” The entire class broke into excitement when we heard cries of a newborn from the phone. Ahhh…the joys of welcoming a baby! 🙂

The topics we discussed during the session were:

► We do remember how we were born – subconsciously. These memories are retrievable through hypnosis and therapy. According to David Chamberlain in one of the case histories presented in his book Babies Remember Birth, “I felt like the most intelligent person when I was born. I know what everyone was thinking but nobody understands what I was thinking!”

► Birth can influence a child’s personality and ultimately, life.

► WH showed us a documentary titled What Babies Want where a pair of twin babies was captured in the womb until toddlerhood. At 20 weeks gestational period, they were seen playing with each other in their mommy’s womb with the twin brother reaching out his little hand to stroke his sister. Fast forward five years later, the twins were often seen playing the same game – with each of them standing in between a sheer curtain where the twin brother would stroke and pat his sister like those good old times in the womb! How amazing!

► Babies below two years old do not have a ‘want’, only ‘need’ for food, warmth and love. They cannot be spoilt or given too much love.

WH asked each of us the things we have done to bond with our baby so far. I broke down in tears when my turn came. Reading the chapter on pre-birth bonding in the Hypnobirthing book prior to this has already evoked feelings of guilt. One of the quotes in there jolted me real hard. I admit I have not done much for ddmm but when asked openly, it was like adding salt to injury. I felt guilty and ashamed for:

– Feeling shocked about the pregnancy at the very beginning. ddmm was planned but unexpected but still, why on earth would I feel that way? {Note to ddmm: Mommy no longer feel this way, swear to Buddha! You’re one of our greatest blessings!}

– Hiding my pregnancy for the sake of keeping my job and hoping to get equal privileges like everyone does. Family ALWAYS come first to me irrespectively, hence having to do this made me felt cornered with no whatsoever control of my say and view. This will NEVER happen again.

– Indulging in negative thoughts and unnecessary arguments on things/people that shouldn’t even matter.

– Losing control in managing my stress levels at work. Baby feels what we feel and I am not proud to say that ddmm has probably been feeling more undesirable vibes than good ones 😦

I shouldn’t have allowed the guilt, stress and negative emotions cloud my mind and affect my connection with ddmm. Surprisingly, letting it out during the class did me lots of good. I released the pent-up emotions and emerged more motivated than ever to be a better mom for ddmm. After my shocking meltdown, two other moms confessed and let go of their emotions too. It was a really inspiring session. 😀

► When to get to the hospital? Follow the 4-1-1 rule where each surge (contraction) comes every 4 minutes, lasting 1 minute each for 1 hour continuously.

► When applying the breathing methods below, remember to use your tummy, not chest. Inhale by taking in breath with your nose and filling up your tummy (like a balloon). To exhale, release down and outward through your nose gently, as if breathing out oxygen to baby (without consciously flattening your tummy).

Calm breathing – Inhale on the count of 4, exhale on the count of 8. To be used in between surges.

Surge breathing – Inhale 20, exhale 20. To be used during surge. Prepare for D-day by practising this during Braxton Hicks.

Birth breathing – No count but basically: in short, out long. Imagine an upside down J. Use it when baby is crowning or when you feel the urge to push.


► The more stiffed our jaw is, the more tensed our cervix becomes. So remember to keep your jaw loose and relaxed during labour for your baby to transcend smoothly.

► Baby’s heartbeat drops at every surge, hence it’s important to be relaxed and take deep breaths during each surge.

► The vernix that covers a newborn’s body during birth is waterproof, acts as an antibody and traps heat to keep baby warm. If left untouched, it will be absorbed by the skin. Request your midwife to leave the vernix on and bathe baby after a day or two.

2 thoughts on “Hypnobirthing course – Session #2

  1. Funny how it seems that we have read “every” pregnancy book but still able to learn something new about pregnancy / giving birth every time! Your post on hypnobirthing is really interesting!

    1. joeyllhow

      Knowledge is wealth and empowering. I’m amazed with what I learned through the course every weekend. Needless to say, I feel a lot more confident in myself and less fearful of childbirth now 🙂

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