Back to blogging at IATH (again?!)


I admit it. I’ve been bad in maintaining my blog. I probably will continue to be. The initial effort to blog at my own name domain didn’t work. FAIL – big time. I was either too lazy to do it or rather, I found several other new hobbies. It was easier to find time to sit down and blog when I was a full-time working mum – I could steal time here and there in between work tasks. But now, when the kids are in school, I get busy with my part-time job, preparing meals, doing the laundry, going to the gym, running errands and catching up with friends. When the kids come home, the chaos begins. I can’t even hear myself talking, so how to blog la?

Then again, I realised something. There’s only one thing that inspires me to blog. My children. I blog not to be known by others, but rather it’s a personal journal for my children to read when they’re older. I’ll let you in a secret – one of the reasons I have been procrastinating is because I have been emailing these thoughts and milestones to my children’s personal email addresses which I created for them more than a year ago.

But recently, I found another very good reason to revive IATH. Yeah yeah, I know this is the umpteenth time I’m reviving it. It keeps dying, I know. Shame on me, I KNOW! You’ll soon know the reason.

And oh, why not continue at Because I’m a cheapskate! I refused to pay that annual fee to sustain the domain LOL. Yes, that’s me. Not bashful this time.

Welcome back to IATH, love!

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